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Centrelink Update

Wait Times

With a staggering 1.1 million outstanding applications for cards and payments, it’s no wonder many of our clients have experienced waits as long as 20 weeks. While this might seem daunting, there are important points to consider that can help ease the frustration and ensure you make the most of your entitlements.

First and foremost, all payments and concessions are backdated to the time of your claim. This means that even if you’ve been waiting for weeks or even months, once your application is processed, you may receive a lump sum back payment.

Additionally, most organisations allow you to retrospectively claim concessions on costs incurred while waiting for your application to be processed. This includes expenses such as medical bills, transport costs, and utility bills. By retaining receipts and documentation of these expenses, you can claim the concession once your application is approved.

If you’re approaching the expiration date of your concession card and are concerned about potential gaps in coverage until a renewal is granted, there are steps you can take to mitigate this issue. We recommend stocking up on prescriptions and prepaying expenses such as vehicle registration and council rates. By planning ahead and taking proactive measures, you can ensure continuity of essential services and support even during the waiting period.

Energy Rebate 

Last year the Australian Government announced a one-off payment of $250 for all eligible concession card holders to help offset the rising energy costs. These payments will be provided as rebates through your energy provider. To make a claim, eligible card holders need to log in to MyGov and provide their consent for Centrelink to make the payment to your energy provider. If you face any challenges during this process, please reach out to our office, and we will arrange a meeting with your adviser to help you navigate it.

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