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How does an inheritance impact my Age Pension?

The impact an inheritance may have on your Age Pension payment is very much a case-by-case scenario. It depends on one’s existing wealth, the amount inherited, and the circumstances of receiving the inheritance. For example, did you receive the inheritance from your parents or was it a spouse who passed away. In this article we unpack some of the considerations.

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Why does my Centrelink payment keep changing?

Ever wondered why your Centrelink payment keeps changing. Perhaps you are still unsure where your responsibility lies with regards to updating Centrelink and what information Centrelink already have access to.

There are several reasons why your Centrelink payment might keep changing.

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Centrelink Update

Estate planning is a complex area of law, and basic mistakes can lead to Wills being declared invalid, assets ending up with unintended recipients, or benefits reduced by avoidable tax bills. So, how can you steer clear of these pitfalls?

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Centrelink Update

In recent weeks, we have received numerous calls inquiring about Centrelink applications and the associated delays. Additionally, many of our clients have been receiving a significant number of letters from Centrelink.

To assist you in understanding these letters and determining if any action is needed, we’ve prepared a brief summary along with an estimate of application processing times.

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What is the Home Equity Access Scheme?

What many of these part-age pensioners may not know is that, along with recipients of the disability support pension, carer payment and some other Centrelink payments, they are able to access some of the equity in their home through the Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS).

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