Posts by Andrew Torney
Your Pre-Retirement Checklist: 7 Things ‘To Do’ Before Retirement
The team at Muirfield Financial Services has more than 30 years’ experience guiding hard-working Australians onto the retirement runway. Consider checking off these items to make the most of your retirement.
Read MoreInvestment Update – 14 April 2020
The outbreak of COVID-19 continues to be an unprecedented tragedy across the globe. While the challenges for investors have paled in comparison to those more directly impacted by the virus, we have sought to provide an overview of what has and hasn’t worked within investment portfolios.
Read MoreInvestment Update – 3 April 2020
Whilst far too early to call the end of the recent sharemarket falls it has been encouraging to see more positive results in sharemarkets in the last week. The Australian Sharemarket even had it’s biggest single day gain on record recently.
Read MoreBeyond Covid-19 – A demonstration of human resilience
It is worth noting, particularly given the origins of Covid-19, that the Chinese word for crisis consists of 2 characters. The first character signifies danger and the second character signifies opportunity. With any crisis comes opportunity, as a society we still have a level of resilience and adaption to deal and live with any situation.
Read MoreIncrease your Spouse’s Super
If you are a member of a couple, there are a few ways that you can build your superannuation balance either from household income, or your spouse’s superannuation contributions.
Read MoreCentrelink Wait Times
With an ageing population and an ever-increasing number of people applying for Centrelink benefits, the processing times of applications is understandably getting longer.
Read MoreThe Search For Meaningful Income
The Reserve Bank of Australia continues to reduce interest rates to historic lows. Rightfully so, investors are questioning what to do with their money so it doesn’t go backwards!
Read MoreCommonwealth Seniors Health Card – A card for self-funded retirees
Following on from our article last month outlining the features, benefits and eligibility requirements of the Low Income Health Care Card (LIHCC), in this article we are going to look at a secondary card, the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. Whilst this card does not provide the same wide ranging benefits as the LIHCC, it has…
Read MoreLow-Income Health Care Card – The Forgotten Concession
As most retirees are aware, Centrelink’s Age Pension provides income support and access to a range of concessions for eligible senior Australians. Unfortunately (or fortunately), you may find yourself deemed too wealthy for an Age Pension entitlement. Many retirees consider this the end of the road in terms of subsidising the costs of retirement, however, self-funded…
Read MoreSpring Clean!
It’s that time of the year! Spring is here and the weather is finally starting to get warmer and the sun is shining for longer (even if it doesn’t feel like it at times). As much as we dread it we know it’s time we cleaned out our financial clutter and get a better idea…
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